Our Services

Ready to step out into your fresh new business venture, fully equipped? We’re here to take that journey together with you!

“All things are ready, if our mind be so."

— William Shakespeare, Henry V

Part 001: Our Services

The Essentials

No one deserves to adventure in the world alone and unprepared. We’re here to come alongside you with our skills to help you every quest of the way! We create unique and uplifting brand identities, websites, motion graphics, and videos from our cozy studio in Richmond, Virginia.

Starter Quest Sprint

Investment begins at $995

Are you new to the adventure? Do you need a budget-friendly and high-quality identity to get started on your business journey sooner rather than later? Do you need a landing page with exceptional SEO to establish your web presence and attract your clients? Are you ready for a solid, well-designed foundation to launch from?

Look no further!

Get started on your fresh quest looking absolutely amazing in just one week! Whether you need a mini branding session or a single-page website, schedule your one-on-one call below to get started with your Starter Quest Sprint.

* Further revisions will require an additional charge at $75/hr

Brand Identity

Investment begins at $2495

A full brand identity with strategy is an important investment for your business—it sets the tone of your adventure and helps you chart your path to reaching your destination with your people.

Just a logo can often feel like heading out into battle with a practice sword instead of full armor! Sometimes, that’s all you started with, and now you know you’re ready to gear up for greatness. Equip yourself with a full logo suite, branded colors, solid typography, and an aesthetic voice to make a real impact on your audience.

Let’s make sure your quest is a success!

* Further revisions will require an additional charge of $75/hr
** Additional side quests that can be built into a Brand Identity Package include: Custom stationery, presentation slide deck templates, brand launch campaigns, and further creative direction as needed.

Web Design

Investment begins at $2995

The internet can be a wild, scary place, but your adventures there don’t have to be unpleasant! A little bit of weirdness is a good thing, but let us help you find your people in all of the digital noise.  We offer custom WordPress websites with Elementor that are both easily accessible and responsive. SEO services are part of the package!

* Further revisions will require an additional charge

Please Note: Logo, identity, photographic direction, and copywriting must be provided to some degree by the client. This will all be outlined in the Discovery call and Client Portal.

Other platforms than WordPress can be considered at the clients’ request and at additional cost, depending on the complexity of the proposal!

Hosting and plugin purchase must be completed by the client before website final building can begin. Hosting recommendations and additional tutorials are available free of charge.

Monthly upkeep available!

Brand & Web Campaign

Investment begins at $3495

Sword and sorcery. Coffee and cream. Peanut butter and jelly. It’s hard to have one without the other, isn’t it?

Need a bit of both? We get you.

Maybe your brand needs a bit of a refresh or you just know it’s time for a full identity instead of just a logo. A website will also help you create a place where your audience can find you. 

Motion Graphics & Video Production

Tell us more about your project!

Want to add a bit of motion to your logo? Need some bumper videos? Looking for a sermon series or trying to figure out how to introduce your brand? Have Youtube videos that need edited? We can help take that load from your pack so you can travel a little lighter, a little further. Just ask for a custom quote with your motion graphics- or video-related project!

get summer ready for $295

Are you an established business with an identity and a website? Are you just not reaching your people or feel as though you’ve been wandering without ever reaching your destination? Let us help you! 

Schedule a quick brand audit and receive one Loom video walkthrough critique of your site or your brand materials with feedback to get you on the right path again!

ask for a custom quote!

With a 6×9 Chandler & Price Pilot tabletop letterpress press and a Howard Hot Foil stamp machine in-house and ready to go, your personal stationery can be tactile and aesthetically pleasing, completely original pieces of art. 

starting at $395

Have an awesome logo already and want to use it in some motion graphics or a video? Need to create an animation for social media? We got you. 

Please note that a vector logo is required for this kind of project, so if you’re in need of a little logo update, too, we’re here to get you sorted.

basic kit is just $495

Overwhelmed with keeping up with social media trends? Would you like some templates that match your brand identity and give you a sense of direction regardless of the platform or platforms you’re broadcasting on? Whether you work in Canva, Adobe Express, or even Figma, we’re happy to create a social media identity system to keep you in the creative flow and give structure to your posting schedule!

We’re always up for following rabbit trails and chasing unicorns. Do you have something awesome in mind and you know it’d fit our style? Do you just really want to work together? Yes, please!

Part 002: THE EXTRAS

Additional Services

We get it. Not everyone is ready to set out on a grand adventure right away, whether it’s because the timing isn’t right or the budget isn’t there. Sometimes, all you need is a side quest.

The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.

J.R.R. Tolkien


Trust the Process

Every good adventure is a series of events. Some of them are planned and some of them are side quests, but altogether each experience leads to the adventure’s end. In our case, the process from start to finish begins when we meet you where you are and ends when you receive your lovely treasure: a finished project!



Let’s hop on a 30-minute call to ask questions and get to know each other. (No one’ll be offended if you’re seeking your perfect adventuring party or are planning a project in advance.)



Depending on your project, we’ll try to schedule a video meeting with your hand-picked team to focus our wizardy on the best path for visual direction based on your roadmap and inspiration.



Once we’ve distilled our sense of direction into the perfect potion, our hardy adventurers set out on the quest to make your project a treasure to behold, from a brand identity to a new series of videos. 


Adventure Time!

After review and revision, there will be much celebration and the anticipated delivery of final files. Then, glory made, you can sail off into the sunset with the spoils, but we hope you’ll keep in touch!


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is your typical client?

Our average client is a small business, a small- to mid-sized company or ministry, or church organization who feels frustrated with their current lack of creative momentum. Our typical client is willing to invest in getting themselves unstuck and open to experimentation. They love texture, illustration, and breaking molds. We are particularly drawn to our clients’ personal stories, their goals, and their missions. We love to come alongside other adventurers out in the wild, making their way for a greater purpose.

Who is your dream client?

We’re here to spread the good news of the Kingdom through all the world, and so our real love when it comes to a dream project would be a gospel-centered opportunity that challenges our creativity. We want to do amazing work that’s outside of the box, that edifies others, and that serves a meaningful purpose in the community.

How much does it cost to work with you?

We all know that pricing can feel like a double-edged sword, right? But it’s not one we can’t answer. We operate on a project-based pricing scale, so we can’t say how much your request will cost without first knowing more about your goals, your business, and, most importantly, more about you. We’re here to be paid for the value we bring to you, confident that you recognize the investment you’re making in your business so that you can best reach and relate to your audience through our know-how and skillsets. The cost of any given project can vary based on a whole bestiary of various factors: your audience, your purpose, your deadlines, your complexity, your style, and the scope of your project.

Don’t let that overwhelm you, however, because there’s nothing better than having two folks like us in your adventuring party. We want to put our heart into every project and enjoy every side quest with our clients—we’re here to invest ourselves in who you are as much as you’re here to give us your trust.

We’re here to make room for you to grow in the world and you get to give us room to be creative for you. A win win if there ever was one.

Get in touch with us with your project specs and we’re ready to align your adventure goals with your budget.

Bonus? We offer payment plans! Please don’t ever think that a project is out of your reach because of the cost—we’re here to make cool stuff with cool people! While we’ve got a family to care for and a life to live, we still want to be flexible and accommodating.

Are you a full-service design studio?

For sure! We offer everything from brand identity to print design, motion graphics to web design. Brand strategy, social media marketing, and even event planning are all within the range of our wheelhouse. While we’re happy to develop user profiles for you, the only types of projects we’d definitely tap one of our cool friends for would be UI/UX and App design. Together, we’d collaborate to make sure your creative needs are met while still staying within your budget and time constraints.

Be ready for your next adventure. Choose us.

Let’s team up for an on-going campaign or custom single side quest. Inquire via email below or schedule a one-on-one call to discuss details.

Eastern Sky Studio Logo